The Dark


My all respect reflects from the defeated soldiers
who are in drown…
the warmth and the glittering wave of civilizations
…..passed through and over…
the wave doesn’t know the end…
but still they are in deep, asleep… where the dark alive beside the king of pyramids of ancient …

They are deep and asleep between the period of dynasty and dynasties
where the flowing blood floods the unknown earth’s arteries.
Unlike Roman, Egyptian, Mauryan
and the dynasty of sultanate.

They are deep with asleep where the fertility of tree…
wearing calm and peace..till the date they are in deep ,as dark’s ornaments…
now no war can touches them, no words known this way to write..
my all respect towards them who are in absence…

Because I feel they have also stories,have much pain..
have the memories how to breath the sudden death.
My all emotion refers to them who are known the test of rusty life..
instead of glittering king who didn’t store the longevity of time
instead of acquiring throne…all are in dark, all are too sediment.

Listen…who are defeated of earth as like Asura
also they stored… the sounds of sword.
In the novel,the biography were written, is blinking by the words of history
never be accept
they are all won by honest.

Defeated please come and say
you have the pain of treachery … when all the spirit lying over the battle fields ..
Today they are all the way over we walk everyday.
Beneath the day the defeated soldiers till the date
asleep in our chest
as great helpless.


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